TEXT us at 718.543.3116
Reduce your Workload
Let us help your patients and residents manage their chronic conditions remotely while decreasing hospitalizations through expert value-based care.​
Trusted Partners
We dedicate premier clinical pharmacists to manage patient's pharmacotherapy, medication interactions, and side effects. Let us ‘close the gap’ for patients in between their appointments with you.
Ease of Use
Our pharmacists will integrate with your existing workflow/EHR and provide appropriate resolutions to medical issues, while maintaining transparency with you and your team. We determine patient eligibility, complete enrollment, assist with billing, and set up appointments.
Remote Physiologic Monitoring (RPM)
We offer FREE diabetes, high blood pressure, and weight monitors and supplies for your patients. This helps us to monitor their stats, all while keeping you in the loop
Revenue Boost
Perform all of the care as we extend healthcare from the office to your patient's home - reducing your workload while you gain extra revenue, all at no cost to you.